Boreal Community Cup 2
With everything happening with Omicron, how about another Boreal Community Cup to keep our minds off things, and to bring the Canadian communities together? And by that, we mean pitting Canada's Old School communities against each other, all to benefit charity!

DATE/TIME: February 12 – 27
STRUCTURE: Get 5 opponents; Play your matches in the timeframe; Pairing posted in Canadian OS Discord.
FORMAT: Boreal; Proxies allowed
CHARITY: To be determined by the winner
DECK PHOTOS: Required. Upload

This is charitable event with every dollar going to the community winner's chosen charity. There are prize cards for all participants, and extra prize cards for some feats. Raffle TBD. The winning community will have their name inscribed on a trophy (more details coming soon)
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Your email *
Your name *
Your mailing address *
This is so we can ship you your prize card(s). Outside Canada, we may ask for a community rep to send cards on our behalf if many people are playing from the same community.
Your Discord name as it appears in the Canadian Old School Discord *
You must join the Canadian Old School Discord ( for this tournament. This is where pairings/announcements will be done. Also where you will get event updates.
The club you're playing for *
Do you want to play in the spike bracket or spice bracket? *
In the spike bracket, your community gets a point per win (up to 5). In the spice bracket, your community gets a point per spice vote from our panel of judges (up to 5). Choose accordingly.
Charity raffle *
We are still collecting items for the charity raffle. If you'd like to contribute something, please reach out to one of the organizers.
Registration fee ($15CAD) *
There is a mandatory $15CAD registration fee for this event. All proceeds from registration and from the raffle will be donated to the winning community's charity. The fee must be paid directly to Patrick via e-transfer or Paypal. For those outside Canada, consider registering multiple people to save on Paypal fees. Please send via Paypal gift:
Things you need to agree to before registering *
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