Topic 8 Test 2 Fintech
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User privacy is at risk due to the transparency in FinTech transactions *
1 point
Terrorist financing is a noted risk of FinTech
1 point
FinTech has not affected the speed of financial transactions
1 point
The ease of transferring funds creates volatility in FinTech
1 point
Government intervention is prevalent in FinTech
1 point
New processes are part of FinTech’s value proposition
1 point
FinTech's impact on privacy is solely negative
1 point
Cloud computing in FinTech is primarily for data storage
1 point
The lack of banking experience in some FinTech businesses is a concern
1 point
FinTech developments have solely led to benefits without any new risks
1 point
Mobile payments are an example of FinTech’s influence on financial services
1 point
FinTech has played a role in the fragmentation of traditional banking practices
1 point
The transparency of transactions in FinTech can mitigate some elements of cybercrime
1 point
Traditional banks are unaffected by the growth of FinTech
1 point
SaaS applications in FinTech are limited to internal business functions
1 point
Every FinTech company uses mobile technology extensively
1 point
The privacy benefits of FinTech completely eliminate concerns about data security
1 point
Regulatory scrutiny in FinTech is decreasing as the industry matures
1 point
FinTech's role in financial inclusion is primarily negative
1 point
Cybercrime defense strategies are robust across all FinTech platforms
1 point
The intensive use of technology in FinTech does not include metadata analysis
1 point
The rise of FinTech has led to a decrease in the transparency of financial transactions
1 point
Increased user anonymity in FinTech has simplified anti-money laundering efforts
1 point
Volatility in FinTech markets is not solely due to external factors
1 point
FinTech innovations have reduced the costs of financial transactions worldwide
1 point
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