Liquid Rocketry Lab Rolling Application
All applicants applying after August 31st 2024 will be reviewed during the Fall 2025 semester.

Liquid Rocketry Lab is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, student-led engineering-focused team with a goal to design, fabricate, test, and launch a liquid-fueled rocket to reach the Karman Line (100 km altitude), the official edge of space. This would make us the first college team in the world to achieve such a feat. Liquid Rocketry Lab aims to achieve this goal through research focusing on high powered liquid-fueled rocket systems including but not limited to: Research in the airframe design and supersonic aerodynamics, dynamic modeling and control systems, fluid systems, PCB design, recovery methods, rocket engine design and manufacturing as well.

We are a dedicated group of students at NC State University with a diverse background in engineering as a whole. This is a great place to practice skills and gain industry design experience that you may not otherwise get a chance to as an undergraduate. We are looking for highly motivated and passionate students to join the engineering team. The engineering team is split into four sub-teams:

• Structures - Designs and manufactures the airframe and upgrades to the existing test stand. Performs validation and testing of previous designs to verify the test stands ability to bear and transfer loads. They are also responsible for developing aero-thermal models of the nose cone and airframe, the engine mount onto the test stand, and the dynamic model that will plan the trajectory of the rocket.

• Propulsion - Responsible for design of the bi-propellant liquid fueled rocket engine and associated plumbing / feed systems. Working on a detailed analysis and manufacturing plan of the first iteration engine this semester with heavy focus on creating the catalyst bed and injector for our future engine.

• Avionics - Responsible for design, fabrication, and testing of electrical systems including building a failsafe and highly redundant high bandwidth telemetry system, a control system for our rocket engine test stand and creating a PCB test bed for stress analysis.

• Programming - Develops firmware running on a microcontroller on our test stand, a mission control user interface, a server to process real-time telemetry, and a compiler for a custom programming language designed for safely controlling the test stand. Currently working on improving data processing, aggregation, and analytics.

Following this application will be an interview, in which you will present a short project (1-2 hours of work) to the sub-team lead of your chosen team. More details will be sent shortly after you submit the application.

Contact us if you have any queries:
Email *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Major (if you're a first year, select your intended major) *
"Other Major" (leave empty if you didn't select "Other" above)
Minor (leave empty if none)
Expected Graduation Year *
 Which Sub-team are you interested in (First preference)?
 Which Sub-team are you interested in (Second preference)? (Please select a different sub-team or "None")
Why are you interested in joining the Liquid Rocketry Lab? What are specific activities do you want be involved with or skills you want to learn? (Max 500 characters)
Describe any relevant skills or previous work/project experience (if any).
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