Petition for a better War Robots...

This #WRpetition has been made on behalf of the WR player base and with the help of its YT-Creators. It does not aim at boycotting War Robots, but rather clearly stating problems that need to be urgently addressed.

War Robots, despite all its potential, has been slowly falling apart for years now because of decisions made by its game developers. Pixonic has put short-term sales before the health, longevity and balancing of the game. But this time, our content creators and players are coming together to do something about it. As the ones providing the game with the necessary relevance in player numbers, sales and online-discovery with video content, Pixonic has a responsibility to address issues we raise and guarantee the best possible gaming experience for all of us in return – something they seem to have forgotten. This petition aims to remind them about it and provide a step by step roadmap on how to get back the War Robots we love and the players we lost over the years. 

Please check the points / changes you wish to support and leave out those you disagree with or don't feel necessary. (Takes about 10 minutes - THANK YOU!)

Let all your voices be heard by sharing this petition with your friends, too.

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Unfair features / Paywalls
A game like War Robots lives from a sandbox of free customization and experimentation with technologies and items players earned and unlocked. Currently, this base principle moved behind unfairly designed features and exorbitant prices attached to them to drive revenue that is not at all justified.
Break the “Release overpowered / nerf later” cycle!
War Robots requires a change in one very important policy. Things sold for money cannot ever be touched or changed. (e.g. Kestrel Drone) This requires careful consideration of balancing with the release of new content, by doing so increasing variety on the battlefield and allowing players to regain trust into investing in War Robots content. It would break the “release & nerf” cycle and make War Robots a far more enjoyable and widely played game while at the same time creating a lasting incentive for players to buy something they can enjoy for all time.
Ultimate Equipment
ULTIMATE items need to factor in previous player investments in their respective non-ultimate variants and not require to be obtained and leveled from scratch, effectively bypassing all prior spendings in this very unrewarding way. Instead, reward players for their long-standing loyalty to WR by allowing their investment to carry over. Just imagine how valued an “OG-Player” feels when he can start out with an Ultimate item because he was there from the start or also how it can help with the decision to try War Robots again after some time.
Over-presence of negative effects
Effect carousel in WR. Players passively firing all sorts of effects: Lockdown, Suppression, EMP through built-in weapon effects, active modules, drones and battleships. Playing without Anti-Control is almost impossible and it doesn’t even work against all effects. The game has evolved too much from just “robots shooting robots” even though that’s its core basis.
Unlike Battleships, Titans are robots that actually fit into the game. But their presence however becomes a problem when there’s no significant “Normal robots only-phase” in the beginning. It’s possible to get the titan deployed within 40 seconds of game start.
Impact of Drones, Pilots and Battleships
Drones, Pilots and Battleships provide far too much power and flood the game with too many effects e.g: Lockdown, Suppression, EMP, etc. Without them, a player cannot even compete using a top-end Meta robot. It’s gotten way out of balance. Better example:
War Robots Economy
New content costs so much, most players can't afford it and it is still gated behind loot boxes and gambling. Subjecting children and players to gambling habits should be forbidden in all video games and just because it isn’t for some weird reason doesn’t mean War Robots should adapt it and make it a business practice. That's shameful!
Matchmaking & Tanking
Matchmaking & Tanking players need a drastic rework
Performance Fixes and improvements
Clear form
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