Thank you for opening this form! We are currently seeking story submissions for the 2022 Status of Tribal Air Report. We are asking that you draft the short story or nominate someone who you may think has a great idea! Please list or write a short paragraph below for one (or two) of the topics given below. You may also submit another form response.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Friday, March 11th, 2022
The NTAA STAR is an annual publication intended to provide an understanding of the importance and impact of Tribal air programs. As such, one of the biggest components to the STAR is the unique perspectives of air programs within Tribal communities. In last year's STAR, there was mention of needs not being met when it comes to implementing programs or projects due to the lack of funding and infrastructure. Our hope for this STAR is to emphasize funding, and not just the need for more funding for Tribes, but more emphasis on how Tribes are utilizing funds to implement projects and programs. So please provide your success and challenge stories, we'd love to hear from you!
In addition to these stories, we are also looking to include "Profiles". By profiles we mean the 'unsung heroes' of the air quality world. Perhaps the new employees of AQ programs, their successes/challenges, and story you want to tell about your AQ program and what you are doing. We're looking forward to reading what you got!
For questions, please contact Mariah Ashley, NTAA Community Program Coordinator at Click the link to view last year's STAR report: