Obesity Management Survey
Kindly complete the form to assist us in evaluating which program is suitable for you.
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Beginning in 2024, consultations will be conducted through telehealth. After selecting the appropriate program for you, the payment process for the program will be initiated.

If you choose to self-administer injections at home, please be aware that you'll need to anticipate a wait of up to 7 days from the submission of your invoice to receive your medication shipment.

For those who prefer an in-office option, a telehealth consultation will still precede the scheduling of an in-office appointment at the earliest available slot, typically within the same week or the following one.

Do you understand this process?

Kindly share the amount of weight you aim to shed and the reasons behind your weight loss goal. *
Please provide information on your existing medical conditions, even if you are not currently taking any medications (e.g., hypertension, diabetes, etc.). If none, state none. *
The majority of programs are not eligible for insurance coverage, with monthly costs ranging from $100 to $500 based on your preferences. Inclusions such as wellness injections, pills, and supplements are optional. We accept HSA, FSA, and CareCredit, as well as debit/credit cards. What would be a practical monthly budget for you?
This program is under medical supervision, and you have the flexibility to initiate or discontinue it as desired. Each provider has their own way of communication process.  Nevertheless, failure to maintain communication with the providers may result in termination from our supervision.

Do you understand this?
Which program are you most interested in?  *
Kindly provide your name, phone number, and email. Following this, a service representative will contact you via email within 48 hours to arrange your consultation.
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