SGO Student Concern Form
We want to hear your concerns and questions so that we can better represent students during Meetings with Dean Kurth and Dean Dhall, as well as on Executive Committee, Curriculum Committee, Graduate and Professional Government, and IDEAS Council. All concerns will remain anonymous unless you specify otherwise. If you choose to include information for follow-up, your contact information will only be seen by the SGO Board. Your concern will anonymously be discussed with the appropriate student representatives (i.e. if it needs to go to Executive Council, we will share with the student representatives of Executive Council). Thank you in advance!
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Name (optional - leave blank if you choose to remain anonymous and do not desire follow up)
Email address (optional - leave blank if you choose to remain anonymous and do not desire follow up)
Do you desire follow up? (this might be an email letting you know what action has been taken on behalf of your concern, follow up questions about your concern, a response to a request for information, etc)
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What is your concern? Please feel free to include as many detail as possible. This information will remain confidential among the SGO board, and will not be shared with YSN administration or faculty unless you request that we share it.
What kind of support would you like from SGO? This can look like: communicating your concerns to the administration, connecting you with the appropriate YSN administrators to address your concern, distributing information to students, obtaining information for you, etc.
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