ET Labz Summer Sessions 2021 Interest Form
This summer our sessions are Tuesday through Friday from 9am - 1pm, and one limited availability session from 1:30-5:30pm.

Registration for either of the 4 Week Sessions is $1,360 and for the full 8 Week Session is $2,720.

Please note: There is no registration fee, but a $300 non-refundable deposit is due upon registration.

By joining, Individuals will be able to participate in a variety of 45 minute mini-session previews of our year-long classes.

*Sibling discounts available when inquiring!
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Summer Sessions Flyer
Which session are you interested in: *
Wajib diisi
Parent's Full Name *
Child's Full Name *
Child's Age as of July 1 *
E-mail Address *
Phone Number *
Does your child receive self-direction? *
If you answered "yes" to the question above, who is your FI?
Additional comments:
Does your child require special medical attention? If so, please explain. (Ex: food allergy, asthma [inhaler], disability, etc.) *
How did you hear about us? *
Wajib diisi
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