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Self-assessment questionnaire on your activities in the Erasmus+ club this year.
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Which activity have you enjoyed the most?
Your answer
Has working on the project helped you improve your knowledge, your maturity and/ or your self-confidence?
Not at all
a little
quite a lot
a lot
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Has the project helped you accept the Others, with their own differences?
Not at all
a little
quite a lot
a lot
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What activity would you like to do after mobility 2?
Your answer
Do you think you have learnt more about your European neighbours?
Not at all
a little
quite a lot
a lot
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Which activity have you enjoyed the least?
Your answer
Can you name an activity that helped you gained autonomy?
Your answer
How much autonomy have you gained from this project so far?
Not at all
a little
quite a lot
a lot
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