Circle registration
PATH Circles
Our first monthly circle will continue to be for the larger Exeter community to share concerns, impact, and ideas about Exeter’s history and response to Sexual abuse on our campus. Our second monthly circle will be for those who have experienced sexual abuse at Exeter or elsewhere as support circle for connection and community.

Dates (times are eastern time zone) :

December 28, 11 am EST (for concerned alumni as well as survivors interested in discussion of community impact)

December 30, 6 pm EST (for sexual abuse survivors who were abused at Exeter or elsewhere only. These circles are for connection around personal impact)

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Email *
Name *
I am an alumnus of Phillips Exeter Academy *
These circles are for Alumni who are neither employees or trustees *
Email *
Class Year
What days will you attend?

You may choose more than one.
Size is limited to six per circle. 
If all times fill up, we will add more.

Survivor Circle Guidelines: 

For safety and predictability these circles are for survivors only and are not set up for processing trauma. The intention is for support and the prompts will focus on how you are doing in the present with relation to abuse in the past. These circles are for building community and a sense of shared reality with a goal to feel places of commonality, identify needs as well as things that have worked, and to break down barriers to talking about this history.

Confidentiality-We ask you not to reference anything shared in these circles that is personal in nature or reference anyone who came to these circles outside these circles without explicit permission from that person. Leaders are included in this agreement. These forums are for sharing and listening, and while the shared experience of abuse is implicitly understood and welcome, speak in care of yourself and all present who are not professionally trained. Checking in is helpfulPlease limit what you share to your own experience. Please do not speak on another’s behalf.Please hold others words with care and respect without judging or correcting what other’s have expressed. Our forum encourages expression and support through listening.Sensitivity-Please hold sensitivity as all of us present are survivors.Patience- Have patience and inquire prior to any assumption and offer goodwill for all present,Time- While time is limited, this is an invitation to share, and be welcome to do so. Please limit yourself only only only to preserve time for others.
Guidelines for Community Circles:

Confidentiality-We ask you not to reference anything shared in these circles that is personal in nature or reference anyone who came to these circles without explicit permission from that person. Leaders are included in this agreement. 

These forums are for sharing and listening, not for debate or persuasion 

You are welcome to explicitly identify as a survivor, but in care of yourself and all present who are not professionally trained to support this, please refrain from any new disclosures of abuse.

Please limit what you share to your own experience. Please do not speak on another’s behalf.

Please refrain from commenting on other people’s words and thoughts and especially refrain from judging or correcting what other’s have expressed.

Sensitivity-Please hold sensitivity for the experience of survivors. Can you share what you wish to share with this sensitivity as there are likely survivors present.

Patience- Please have patience and an assumption of goodwill for all present.

Time- In consideration of time please consider before you speak what you most want to share, contribute, and be heard for. Please balance your full expression with the time available for all to allow all voices and thoughts to be heard. 

I understand and agree to these requests.
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