Dragondusst Commissions
Thank you for being interested in my commissions! Here are my following guidelines.

-I only do commissions through PayPal invoice. Once I approve your request I will send you a PayPal invoice to your email. I will only begin the commission after full payment is received.

-If there is a deadline you need the commission by let me know in the application and I will tell you if I can get it done in time.

-I will send sketches of the commission to your email to see if it needs any changes. Once its approved I will finish the commission. Small changes can be tweaked for the finished product.

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-I can draw gore and most nsfw is allowed, I will decide if I'm willing to draw it. 

-Will not draw mecha characters. Furry characters are ok

-If you decide you don't want the commission for any reason I will only refund the work that has not been done yet. The amount refunded is up to my discretion. Commissions already completed will not be refunded.

-I will need visual references for original characters. Pictures of detailed character models in game, photo references, or even a few doodles on paper of what your oc should look like is good! Commissions for OCs without them will not be accepted.

I have read and agreed to the terms *
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