Registration / Enquiry Form for "Mindfulness for Stress Reduction & Emotion Regulation Workshop for Students"

目的: 幫助學生適應學校生活,通過學習靜觀,提升專注力,有利於學習效能、減壓及調適情緒。
形式: 有不同的靜觀練習,分享和發問
對象: 任何年級的學生(犬其可以幫助中四、中一學生適應轉變)
時間: 1 至2 節 (每節1至2小時,亦可按學校要求設定)

1. 面對轉變和適應方法
2. 辨識外在和內在的壓力源和壓力對身體、情緒、行為的影響
3. 認識靜觀如何幫助減壓
4. 透過不同的靜觀練習,處理壓力及調適情緒


主辦活動導師: 李劉穎瑩女士

課程報名及付款方法 Payment Instructions:
(1) 請填妥及遞交以下網上報名表格給本學苑 Please complete the below form for registration
(2) 課程負責導師會在開課前最少兩星期寄出確認電郵給參加者 Course confirmation will be sent 2 weeks before the first session
(3) 參加者需於開課的一星期前直接以以下方式付款 Payment will need to be sent 1 week before the first session, using one of the following methods:
a. 轉數快 FPS 到(852) 6200-5241
b. 將款項存入本學苑的匯豐銀行戶口 Bank Deposit:
銀行名稱 Bank Name:HSBC Bank Account number 帳戶號碼:023-898216-838
帳戶名稱 Account Name:Mindful Living Academy 靜觀生活學苑
a. 轉數快 FPS - 於備註寫上參加者姓名和報讀課程(包括課程日期)一併電郵至mlacademyhk@gmail.com, 標題請註明【報名______(活動名稱)】Please email the 'Payment Confirmation' with your name, course name, & course date to us at: mlacademyhk@gmail.com
b. 銀行入數 - 請將入帳收據圖像連同參加者姓名和報讀課程(包括課程日期)一併電郵至mlacademyhk@gmail.com, 標題請註明【報名______(活動名稱)】Please email the 'Payment Confirmation' with your name, course name, & course date to us at: mlacademyhk@gmail.com
(5) 本學苑收妥報名費用後,報名方作落實,本學苑導師會以電郵發出通知給參加者。Confirmation email will be sent from the course instructor upon receipt of payment.  Please note your spot will only be confirmed upon receipt of full payment.  
(6) 如參加者需要電子收據及對收據抬頭等有特別要求,請於報名表上註明,收據發出後恕不能作出修改。Should you require an electronic receipt, please kindly specify the 'Name of recipient' that needs to be printed on the receipt (as we are not able to make any amendment once the receipt has been issued).

此課程由<Mindful Living Academy 靜觀生活學苑>舉辦

WhatsApp: 6200 5241
網址: https://mlacademyhk.com/
電郵: mlacademyhk@gmail.com
Facebook: Mindful.Living.Academy.Hongkong
Instagram: Mindful.Living.Academy
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电子邮件地址 *
1. Name of your school *
2. Name of the contact person *
3. Contact Telephone Number *
4. What is the age range of students? *
5. What is the tentative date(s) for the workshop? *
7. How did you/ your school find out about Mindful Living Academy? *
8. Has your school used our service before? *
9. When did your school use our service?
10. What was the programme your school participated in before?
11. Special Request/ Query
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