Midsummer Tango Festivalito Hbg 20-23/6 2024
Please register for your participation in the event! Your registration will be complete upon payment of the fee, where you will get your confirmation to your email.  Here you can order your tickets:  

The questionee below suits both for your comfort and for our preparation purposes. Thank you! 
Feel free to contact us directly if there is a need for that! 
Contact info is tango.fortuna@gmail.com or call +46 761665626.

ورود به سیستم Google‎ تا تغییرات را ذخیره کنید. بیشتر بدانید
ایمیل *
Your first and last name 
Country of your residence
Your phone number with country code
Your role in tango 
Would you like to take part
Promo code, if you have any
Your food preferences/restrictions
ICE: Contact in case of emergency: phone, email, name and type of relation. 
I am okay with taking the pictures during the event, and publishing them afterwards respectfully for the event promotion purposes.
پاک کردن انتخاب
I would also like to participate in the World Music Jam experiment during the weekend. 
It is a low prestige initiative to gather several nusicians from different cultures and invite them to find common rythms and harmonies, in folk music. 
پاک کردن انتخاب
We would also like to hold a short, non-proffessional, non-prestigious, very democratic dance competition among tango couples, for beginners with no teachers or professional dancers allowed. Same gender couples are perfectly fine as well. Would you be interested to participate?
پاک کردن انتخاب
یک کپی از پاسخ‌هایتان به آدرس ایمیلی که ارائه کرده‌اید ارسال می‌شود.
پاک کردن فرم
‏‫هرگز گذرواژه‌ای از طریق فرم‌های Google ارسال نکنید.‬
این محتوا نه توسط Google ایجاد شده و نه مورد تائید Google است. گزارش سوءاستفاده - شرایط خدمات - خط‌مشی رازداری