Please use this form if you wish to ADD a MIDWEEK GAME for a team.  This option is NOT available for SR Teams.

Please note, in order to request an addition of a midweek game, BOTH teams must consent.  The request must be received with a minimum of ten (10) days advance notice.
The last possible date for a U11, U13, U19 midweek game is July 18, 2019.  The last possible date for U15 is July 24, 2019.

Each team is allowed a maximum of 16 regular season games which includes Crossover games.   If a team goes above the allotted 16 regular season games, there will be an additional fee of $100 for the team that schedules above the 16 games.  That club will be invoiced for the fee.

The hosting club is responsible for the cost of the field rental and mileage for all officials.  OWFL will be responsible for the officials' game fees and arrangement of the officials.

Once a game has been approved and officials have been assigned,  your club will be contacted confirming all the details and the Midweek Game schedule will be updated on the OWFL website - Game Centre - 2019 Regular Season.
İlerleme durumunu kaydetmek için Google'da oturum açın Daha fazla bilgi
E-posta *
Submitted by: *
Club Position: *
Please indicate the division for which you wish to add a midweek game. *
Please indicate for which team you wish to add a midweek game (i.e. U13-1 or U15-2) *
Please provide the OPPONENT details for the midweek game you want to add (i.e. Halton Hills U13-2) *
Please provide the DATE of the midweek game you want to add *
Please provide the TIME of the midweek game you want to add. *
Please provide the location of the host field (address) and any other pertinent details that need to be communicated. *
Yanıtlarınızın birer kopyası, belirttiğiniz e-posta adresine gönderilecek.
Formu temizle
Google Formlar üzerinden asla şifre göndermeyin.
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