GSA / School Visit Request Form
Affirmations Community Center and the Gender and Sexuality Alliance Network are excited to offer school and organization visits for youth! Please complete the form below for Affirmations Staff to better understand your wants and needs for us to visit you!

If you have any questions, please contact Emma, STAR School Fellow and Joe, Programs Manager at and
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Email *
Name *
Pronouns *
Name of School/Organization *
Type of group within the organization/school *
Can include type of club, sports team, project team, parent group, etc. Example: GSA
How many youth are in your club/team/group? *
What is your role? *
If you're a student, does an advisor or staff member know you are submitting on behalf of the school/organization?
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If you're a student, please include your advisor's information below including first and last name, pronouns, email address, and phone number (if any applicable)
Describe the general climate of your organization/school *
Describe the general climate of your club/team/group *
How did you hear about Affirmations Community Center? *
What are you seeking from Affirmations Community Center staff? *
Are you seeking virtual visits from Affirmations Community Center? *
General availability or specific dates for Affirmations visits *
 Please note that there is a higher likelihood that we can provide visits on Tuesdays and Fridays.
How many visits are you requesting from Affirmations Community Center? *
Please note that our ability to visit you more than 3 times in one calendar year may be limited.
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