Design Request: Logo
Please fill this out to the best of your ability. Email me ( with any questions.
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What is the name of your business? If you do not have a name yet? Would you like my help brainstorming a name for your business? *
Tell me a little about your business. *
Who is your target market/demographic? (Age, location, interests, etc). *
Do you have branding standards? (colors, type/fonts, mission statement, elements, voice/tone, etc). *
Do you have brand colors or colors you like? If so, please provide the hex codes below or email me your brand standards guide. (Example: #000000, #FFFF00, #800000, etc). Note which colors are primary colors or secondary colors.  *You can go to and then pick the colors you prefer and just tell me the "hex #" or just send a screenshot of the page for the color preferences you have.
If you do not have brand colors picked out yet... could you send me images of colors you like via email?
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Do you have brand typefaces (fonts)? If so, please provide the files via email. *
Do you have a type style you'd prefer for your logo? (select all that you like). *
Do you have a deadline this must be completed by? Fill out the "other" box if you have a specific date or time range in mind. *
How many versions of logo do you want? *
Any other helpful comments or ideas you would like to share?
Do you think you will need me for other services? (Select all that may apply). Fill out the "other" box if you have an additional request not listed.
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