Beyond Starlight 

DS Book Promotions is thrilled to be hosting the upcoming release of Beyond Starlight: An Alien Fated Mates Limited Edition Box Set brought to you by Storyteller Publisher 22.

For queries please contact Lainey at

~ARC request option available

Beyond Starlight

Cover Reveal - May 4
Preorder Blitz - May 18
Release Blitz  - November 19

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To the deepest reaches of the galaxy these warriors will fight to find their fated mates. 

When their females find themselves at their lowest point, they will twist the fabrics of existence and everything changes. Their loyalty to each other will be tested by many obstacles, and they will fight or die to be together. Fated mates happen once in a lifetime, but will their bond be strong enough to stay together until the end. 

Find out by reading this limited edition box set illed with space, adventure, and fated mates between species never seen before on earth.

Participating Authors:

Diana Dawn

Luna Jade

Kat Parrish

Susanna Eastman

Demelza Carlton

Katrina S. Karter

Danielle Forrest

Clare Dugmore

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Also note our rating policy - If your review is 3 stars or less please refrain from reviewing until after the event and email us so the schedule can be updated.

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