ACLC Discussion Questions
Please reflect and answer each of the following questions. They are anonymous and will help us in our conversations moving forward about who we are as a congregation and where God might be calling us in the future.
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Reflecting on your entire experience at our church, remember a time when you felt the most engaged, alive, and motivated. Who was involved? What did you do? How did it feel? What happened as a result?

What are the most important contributions the church has made to your life? When did this happen? Who made a difference? How did it affect you?

Tell of an important spiritual experience, growth in belief, or step of faith that has occurred for you in this congregation. Describe what, when, how, and where this happened.
What would you say are the top three values of this congregation?

Make three wishes for the future of our congregation. Describe what the church would look like as these wishes come true.

(Optional): Are there any activities, ideas, or ministries that you would like to see?
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