2024-2025 CELA Bus Registration
 School Bus Transportation is a privilege and  is only available to the address that the student resides at. All bus riders must be met by a parent at the bus stop or lose their bus privileges. We do not offer transportation to any student that does not live within the Calhoun City Limits
Any student that wishes to ride the bus must be registered here ,unregistered students will not be allowed to ride the bus. All students must be registered separately.


Calhoun City Schools offers School Bus Transportation to any and all students that reside within the Calhoun City Limits. CCS does not offer transportation for out of district students.

Safety is a high priority for Calhoun City Schools. Students, parents, teachers, school administrators, bus drivers and community members all can assist in keeping our students safe. Falsification of any documents will result in loss of all transportation privileges for the entire school year.

To ensure the safety of our students while we transport them to and from school, we will use the following protocols for students who wish to ride the bus:

   If the bus driver does not believe that the drop off location is safe for the student to be dropped off, the driver reserves the right to bring the student back to the registered school. 

  • Calhoun City Schools requires a parent/guardian/approved designee be present on a daily basis to receive students under the age of 9. If no adult is present to receive the student, a warning will be issued and the student will be returned to their registered school to be picked by an approved contact.  Signed documentation will be required.

  • Future incidents will be documented with consequences issued as follows:

  • 2nd Incident: 5-day bus suspension afternoon only

  • 3rd Incident: 10-day bus suspension afternoon only

  • 4th Incident: 90-day bus suspension morning and afternoon

  • 5th Incident: Loss of bus privileges for remainder of school year

  • CCS will offer school bus transportation primarily to and from the address at which the student resides. The transportation department /school does not accept notes to ride the bus home with a friend. 

  • CELA - The approved city address the student resides/listed during registration will be the only location permitted for delivery.  Falsification of any documents will result in loss of all transportation privileges for the entire school year.

  • CCS schools will not pick up or deliver students to a secondary address of a business.  

  • After initial registration, school officials will no longer accept notes to ride the bus, or to ride the bus to a different address. All requests to ride the bus must be made to the school in writing or by email. Any note or email must be received by 10am to be considered.

In case of an emergency, please contact Geary Cooper at 706-602-6614 or cooperg@calhounschools.org 

Bus Conduct

The Student Handbook will apply to all violations to and from school; at the bus stop; and while boarding, riding, or exiting buses. Violation of these rules may result in the suspension of bus privileges or consequences deemed necessary by the administration. 

The school system provides transportation as a service to students. Transportation is a privilege granted to students who reside within the city limits and comply with school bus rules and regulations. Eligibility to ride a school bus may be revoked or suspended for the violation of any policy governing student conduct on a school bus. 

  • Students involved in serious or repeated acts of unacceptable behavior on the school bus will have their riding privileges suspended or revoked. Suspension of bus privileges does not excuse the student from school attendance. During the suspension period, the parent/guardian will be responsible for providing transportation to and from school. The school system will not provide alternative transportation. In addition, unacceptable behavior on the school bus or at the school bus stop may result in suspension or expulsion from school. 

  • Note: In the event of an address change, the parent/guardian must notify the school of attendance immediately and provide proof of residency to maintain bus riding privileges. Once the address update procedure is completed by the school, all added information will be forwarded to the Transportation Department. The Transportation Supervisor will approve or deny the request within 5-10 school calendar days.


 Bus Rules, Regulations, and Consequences 

Because there are serious safety concerns involved with the operation of school buses, it is expected that all students comply with the following requirements for bus conduct. Because the bus is an extension of the school day, the Student Code of Conduct also applies to behavior on the bus and at the bus stop. Students may be cited for acts of misconduct while on the school bus for any of the following: 

  1. Only those students assigned to a bus may ride the bus unless they have written permission from the principal and parent, and only from/to their assigned bus stop. Permission will be granted only in extenuating circumstances. Students are not allowed to ride the bus home with a friend. The principal/designee will notify the Transportation Dispatcher of any changes. 

  2. Bus drivers have complete charge of students while riding the bus. Drivers are responsible for the students' conduct and safety. Bus drivers will report in writing promptly to the supervisor, who will in-turn report to the school principal or his/her designee any misbehavior. Principals or their designee are responsible for disciplining students for bus misbehavior. 

  3. Bus drivers will, and if needed, with the assistance of the principal or his/her designee, assign seats to all students. (Pending Covid CDC Guidelines) 

  4. Students must be at the bus stop at least ten (10) minutes before the scheduled time for the a.m. route. 

  5. Students must take their seats promptly when loading the bus. 

  6. Students should never stand in or play in the road while waiting for the bus. 

  7. Before loading the bus, students must remain 15 feet from the street until the bus driver opens the entrance door or signals students to cross the street. 

  8. Students must remain in their seats while the bus is in motion. Students shall remain seated unless individually loading or unloading. Students must enter or exit the bus without crowding or disturbing others and occupy their seat immediately. 

  9. Students will not be allowed to enter or leave a bus at any place other than the student's designated bus stop or school. Students who board the bus will be delivered to their destination only. 

  10. Students are not allowed to transport animals (dead or alive), balloons, balls, glass containers, or any item that will not fit in the child's lap on the bus. Items brought onto the bus cannot block the aisle or interfere with the view of the bus driver. Large items such as band instruments, shop projects, sports equipment (Baseball bats in or out of a bag), skateboards and other school projects shall not be permitted on the bus if they interfere with the driver or other passengers. The aisle seats, exits, and driver's vision shall not be blocked. 

  11. 11.While awaiting shuttle bus, students are under the control of the principal of the school or the principal's designee. If the student violates the school's rules or the rules and regulations of the Calhoun City Board of Education, the student will be punished by the principal of the school that the student attends. 

  12. Students must not call out passers-by. They should not open the bus window without permission from the driver or extend their head or arms out of the window. Throwing objects on the bus or out the window or placing any object or part of the body out of the window will result in consequences as determined by the administration. 

  13. Students should not leave the bus without the driver's consent, except on arrival at their regular bus stop or at school. 

  14. Displaying disrespectful or insubordinate conduct toward the bus driver or other persons on the school bus which includes, but is not limited to, spitting, using profanity, making obscene gestures, etc. minimum 5-day suspension. 

  15. Students are not permitted to bully, intimidate, or fight on the bus or at the bus stop. minimum 10-day suspension. 

  16. Other forms of misconduct that will not be tolerated are acts such as, but not limited to, indecent exposure, obscene gestures, or spitting. minimum 10-day suspension. 

  17. Providing the bus driver with an incorrect name or address. Minimum 5-day suspension 

  18. Failing to obey orders and/or directions of the bus driver, monitor, or Transportation personnel. Minimum 5-day suspension 

  19. Fighting. Minimum 10-day suspension. 

  20. Damaging the bus. Minimum 90-day suspension. 

  21. Students must remain in their seats and keep the aisle clear. Minimum 5-day suspension 

  22. Students must stay seated until the bus comes to a complete stop. Warning/5-day suspension 

  23. Students are not to eat or drink on the bus. Only bottled water is allowed. Minimum 5-day 

  24. Tampering with the emergency exit (back door) will result in a minimum 10-day suspension. 

  25. Using any electronic devices during the operation of a school bus. This includes but is not limited to cell phones; audible music devices; or compact disc players without headphones/earbuds; or any other electronic device in a manner that might interfere with the school bus communication equipment or the school bus driver's operation of the school bus. Georgia state law prohibits the use of a cell phone on a school bus. Will result in a minimum 10-day suspension. 

  26. Using mirrors, lasers, flash cameras, or any other lights or reflective devices might interfere with the school bus driver's operation of the bus. Will result in a minimum 10-day suspension. 

  27. Parents/guardians are not allowed to enter the bus. Parents /guardians are not allowed to approach the bus and address the driver in any rude/loud/ or disrespectful manner. Any parent/guardian that does so will forfeit their children's privilege to ride the bus for 180 school days. 

  28. In approaching the bus or a bus stop along the highway, students should walk on the left side of the road facing traffic. Students should be sure that the road is clear of all traffic or that all traffic has stopped before crossing. Upon leaving the bus, students should immediately walk around the front of the bus and stop before crossing. Students should make sure that the road is either clear of all traffic or that all traffic has come to a complete stop before crossing. 

  29. Any other infractions as delineated in the Students Handbook 

Discipline Guidelines:

Items 1 through 11 fall  under the Progressive Discipline Guidelines,all other items 12 through 29 fall under Immediate Discipline Guidelines.


  • 1st Offense - Upon first report of a minor offense, the student will conference with an administrator and the parent will be contacted with the incident documented. If appropriate, the student may be issued ISS or a bus suspension determined by the administrator. Parent contact should be made by the principal/designee before the student can continue to ride the bus. 

  • 2nd Offense - Students will receive a mandatory suspension up to 10 days from the bus and required parent contact must be made by the principal (or designee) before the student can resume riding. 

  • 3rd Offense - Substantiated third offenses may result in expulsion from the bus for the remainder of the semester and/or school year. Anytime a student is suspended for the remainder of the year from a bus, this will include all buses even if the student changes schools or moves during the school year. Students receiving an expulsion for the remainder of the school year with less than 30 school days remaining will be suspended for the first semester of the following school year. 


  • Consequences for fighting or engaging in acts of physical assault or battery on a school bus will result in a 10-day suspension from the bus for the first offense and suspension for the remainder of the year for a second offense. 

  • Students causing damage to a school bus or other property will be suspended from the bus for the remainder of the school year up to 180 days . Parents/guardians will be required to pay for the cost of repair. For this policy, "Damage" shall include writing, graffiti, and damage to seats.  

  • Any student found misbehaving on the bus (items 12 through 29) will be subject to bus suspension Minimum 5 days and up to 180 days. 

  • In cases of extreme misbehavior while students are being transported to and from school or school related activities, the Calhoun City Police Department may be called to remove the student(s) from the bus. In this event, the Transportation Department or the police will notify the parent or legal guardian that the student has been removed from the bus and as to where the CCS police officer has transported the student. In addition to removal by campus police, the student may be suspended from the school bus for the remainder of the year. Criminal charges may also be filed. 

Safety Protocols

Students taking advantage of school provided transportation should review and adhere to the following safety protocols:

Walking to the bus stop

  • Always walk on the sidewalk to the bus stop, never run. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left facing traffic.

  • Always leave home on time so you can walk to the bus stop and arrive at least 10 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.

  • Never run after a bus.

  • Never go to another stop to catch the bus.

Waiting to board a bus

  • While at the bus stop, wait quietly in a safe place well away from the road.

  • Do not play running games or push and shove at the bus stop.

  • Keep the roadway clear of books, clothing, and other articles. Never play in the path of traffic and stand well away from the road when the bus approaches.

  • Remember that fighting at bus stops, and/or on the way to and from a school bus stop, subjects the student to disciplinary action (to be reported to the school principal).

  • Do not run alongside the bus when the bus is moving. Wait until the bus stops; then walk to the door and board the bus in an orderly manner. Do not push or shove.

  • Remember that students living on the opposite side of the road from a bus stop should wait on their side of the road until the bus arrives. Watch for the red flashing lights and stop arm to be extended. Cross only when all traffic has stopped. Look left and right and left again before crossing. The driver should signal it is safe to cross.

  • Always cross the street in front of the bus.

  • Respect the "Danger Zone." Remain 12 feet away from the sides of the bus and 12 feet away from the front of the bus where the driver can see you.

  • Enter the bus in line with younger students in front. Hold the handrail while going up and down the stairs.

  • When entering the bus, go directly to a seat. Remain seated and faced forward.

Riding the bus

  • Be seated immediately and remain seated while the bus is in motion. If a seat is not available, passengers should hold onto the back of a seat.

  • Obey the driver’s instructions. The driver of a school bus is in complete charge of the passengers while they are aboard.

  • Headphones must be used with phones/mp3 players.

  • Always speak quietly on the bus so the driver will not be distracted. Always be silent and turn off devices when a bus comes to a railroad crossing, so the driver can hear if a train is coming.

  • Never throw things on the bus or out the windows. Keep the aisles clear at all times. Feet should be directly in front of you on the floor and book bags should be kept on your lap. Large instruments or sports equipment should not block the aisle or emergency exits.

  • Do not tamper with the emergency door, fire extinguisher, or other equipment on the bus. Large instruments or sports equipment should not block the aisle or emergency exits. If there is an emergency, listen to the driver and follow instructions.

  • Hands should be kept to yourself at all times while riding on the bus. Fighting and picking on others creates a dangerous bus ride.

  • Do not extend your arms, legs, or head out of the bus.

  • Do not mark or deface the bus. Seat coverings must not be damaged in any manner. Anyone caught damaging the equipment will be subject to disciplinary action and/or restitution.

  • Keep the bus clean. Do not throw waste paper on the floor.

    • Remember that smoking, eating, and drinking are not permitted on the school bus.

  • Know that the use of profanity and obscene signs on the school bus are prohibited.

Exiting the bus on the trip home

  • Passengers are permitted to leave the bus only at the regular, designated stop. Any change must be made with the parent’s/guardian’s request in writing and must be approved by the signature of the school principal.

  • If a student lives on the opposite side of a road from the bus stop, the student should go to the front of the bus and wait until the bus driver gives the signal to cross the road. Never cross the road in the rear of a stopped school bus.

  • If you leave something on the bus, never return to the bus to get it. The driver may not see you come back and may begin moving the bus.

  • Make sure that drawstrings and other loose objects are secure before getting off the bus so that they do not get caught on the handrail or the door.

  • Respect the "Danger Zone." Remain six feet away from the sides of the bus and 12 feet away from the front of the bus where the driver can see you.

  • If you drop something near the bus, tell the bus driver before you attempt to pick it up, so they will know where you are.

  • Never speak to strangers at the bus stop and never get into the car with a stranger. Always go straight home and tell your parents, the bus driver and principal if a stranger tries to talk to you or pick you up. 

Student Use of Taxi

Students are not permitted to be transported by a taxi service without a parent or guardian present.

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