Your Reflection Guide
You are a powerful Creator!  When we take the time to align with our deepest purpose, we can move through life in a more resonant, delicious, satisfying way.  

It takes time, energy, and thought to figure out what we truly want!   

This reflection guide will offer a bit of structure for you to start the process of envisioning a new reality for yourself.  

Your responses will be sent to your email for you to refer to in the future <3

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< Definition of Purpose > The object toward which one strives or for which something exists

How connected do you feel with your purpose?
If you feel like you have an idea of what your purpose is, write it down!  Even if it feels vague right now. 
What sorts of things come incredibly easily to you AND give you a lot of energy to complete?  What sorts of activities do you naturally gravitate towards?
It can be anything, it doesn't necessarily have to be 'career oriented' tasks - ie. caring for animals, organizing your room, writing, problem solving, extreme sports etc etc.  
<< Definitions of Essence>>:

1 - The intrinsic or indispensable quality or qualities that serve to characterize or identify something.
2- The inherent, unchanging nature of a thing or class of things.
3 - The most important part or aspect of something.

Iff you had to select 3-5 words to describe your spirit/soul/essence, what would they be?  Why?
Self care is an important component of living a purpose-filled life!  How well do you take care of your mental & physical wellbeing?
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Take a few moments and pause.  Look at your current surroundings.  Feel into your body.  Connect with your intuition?  In order to live a more juicy, aligned, alive life, how do you envision your life changing?  What is holding you back from that now?
What are some ways that you self sabotage?  What keeps you from living your most aligned life?  select all that apply.
Please check all topics that intrigue you in regards to manifestation:
Creating support for yourself is an essential component in the process of manifestation.  Please check anything that interests you below!
Please include any questions/inquiries/hesitations below!
Would you like to be contacted by Amanda for a follow up? *
If you would prefer to be contacted via text message, include your phone number below:
Thank you for taking the time to reflect, align, and start the process of living your most soul aligned life.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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