The Ignis Quadrant - Feedback
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Final project ended up with around 65 minis,  30 vehicles, and a few hundred pieces of scatter. How happy are you with the value of your dollar from this project?
Terribly unhappy
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How happy are you with the quality/detail of the models, based on how they print, ease of use, and detail level (when compared to quality you want for your table and other vendors in the market)
I think the quality is lacking
I love the quality!
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How important was the support-free nature of the minis to you, and FDM printability? (check all that apply)
What types of games will you use the models for? (check all that apply)
My next project for scifi minis/terrain will be focused on a spaceport and starships (big and small), many alien characters (bounty hunters, shopkeepers, etc) and various places in there. What pieces are you interested in seeing in this project? (check all that apply)
Other than the items listed above, what types of minis/scenery are you interested in seeing in a future scifi proejct?
From a price point standpoint, what is your preferred Kickstarter price - note I know this depends on the amount of content, but just trying to gauge what folks expect to see/spend
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I'm also launching a Kickstarter shortly for space-combat scale starship fleets, monsters, and terrain for space battles. Do you play a game that supports this (Full Thrust, A Billion Suns, Starfinder, etc) and/or are you interested in a project like this @ the ~$20-25 price point? Note the ships are high detail designed for primarily resin printing, and will come pre-supported tho many will work for FDM also.
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With current economic factors in play in our world, do you anticipate you spending on 3D printable STL files (patreon, kickstarters, etc) to increase, decrease, or stay the same over the next 2-4 months
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Last but not least - any other stuff you want to say to EC3D? Requests for future projects? Interesting ideas? Lay it on me!
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