CenterPoint Attender Survey Fall 2024
Take a moment and let us know what questions you're dealing with! 
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What is your view of the Bible?
How does the Bible make you feel? 
What kinds of things would you be interested in learning about when it come to the Bible?
What are some of the most pressing questions you have about the Bible itself?
How often do you read the Bible, or listen to it being read to you?
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Do you enjoy reading from a particular portion of the Bible more than others?
Do you avoid any particular portions of the Bible? If so, why?
What are some misconceptions you're heard about the Bible, from your friends or social media circles? 
Last thing—do you have any favorite Bible teachers, Bible scholars, or influencers that talk a lot about the Bible? Write down a name or two, and tell us what you like about them & their approach to the Bible!
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