P-12/Secondary Student Information Survey
Please help us improve our programs by completing this short survey.
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Intern First Name: *
Intern Last Name: *
Gender Identity:
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Level: *
Major: *
Name: *
Address/City/State/Zip *
Best Phone Number: *
Best Email Address (other than UM forum email): *
If you are an undergraduate student, do you intend to enroll in graduate studies? *
If you answered YES to the question above, where do you plan to enroll?
If you responded above, what is your projected enrollment date?
If you already know where you will be employed, please indicate the school, school district, and grade below.
If you are not currently employed as a teacher, which districts listed below would you be most interested in pursuing a teaching position in?
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As a student in the College of Education and Human Development: *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not applicable
I was satisfied with the quality of advising that I received.
I was satisfied with the accessibility of technology resources.
I was satisfied with the support and information provided regarding testing (e.g. Praxis II, etc.)
I was satisfied with the support and information provided regarding edTPA.
I was satisfied with the support and information provided regarding teacher certification.
I was satisfied with the support and information provided regarding field and clinical placements, including internship.
As a pre-service teacher in the College of Education and Human Development (UG or Alt M.Ed) *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not applicable
I learned how to make the subject matter in my teaching field meaningful for all students.
I learned how to design instruction according to national, state, and local curriculum standards.
I gained knowledge of human development and its relationship to classroom instruction.
I learned to organize the classroom and manage student behavior.
I developed the ability to use a wide-range of research-based instructional strategies.
I developed the ability to use a variety of assessment strategies to measure impact on student learning.
I learned to integrate reading and writing in all content areas.
I learned to differentiate instruction for students with a variety of learning styles and preferences.
I cultivated an appreciation for, and a commitment to collaboration with colleagues for the betterment of students.
I cultivated an appreciation for, and a commitment to ethical and professional practices.
List specific strengths of your degree program. *
List growth areas for your degree program. *
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