Apples to Oranges Workshop Registration
When: November 18-22, 2019

Where: Oaks Cypress Lakes Resort.  For more information on the venue please go to

For more information, please visit

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Name and affiliation *
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Contact email *
Any dietary or accessibility requirements?
Do you require childcare? Please provide the number of children and their age(s).
We are planning a welcome BBQ on the evening of the first day.  Would you like to attend?
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Of the options below, which best describes your area of expertise? *
Although the primary goal of this workshop is to foster collaboration, we would also like to provide an opportunity for participants to highlight their research.  If you are interested in giving a talk, please provide a brief abstract below. (Note that we expect the total number of talks to be relatively limited, and preference will be given to students and ECRs).
What would you ideally come away from this workshop having learned or achieved? For example, is there a key figure or result that would help to inform/interpret your work?
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