Valentine's Day Basket
Order Form
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Valentine Basket Filled With Flowers and Other Goodies
We deliver to these local Massachusetts towns:  Groton, Dunstable, Pepperell, Chelmsford, Westford, Littleton and Acton.  What town will be delivering the basket? *
Your Name? *
What is your phone number? *
What is your email address? *
What is the name of the recipient? *
What is the phone number of the recipient? *
What is the email of the recipient?
Would you like a card attached to the basket? *
What would you like the card to say?
What date would you like the basket delivered?  A delivery time will be arranged by phone closer to the delivery date.
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We request that you pay for the basket by February 10, 2021.  The cost of the basket is $100.00 + $6.25 MA Sales Tax, totally $106.25.  What method of payment would you like to use?
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