Particles of Reality - Feedback
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Who is your favorite character?
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Who is your least favorite character?
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What are your thoughts on the main character (aka Monika)?
How do you like the sprite art?
Hate it
Love it
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How do you like the custom background art? (Ignoring the placeholder stock photos.)
Hate it
Love it
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Overall, how have you enjoyed the game?
Hated it
Loved it
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Generally speaking, how did you feel about the route length?
Too short
Too Long
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Would you like to share any comments about the routes or endings?
Did you have any concerns or issues with the menus or screens (aka GUI)?
Were the trigger warnings useful?
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Did you have any issues, or feel any of the trigger warnings were inaccurate (if used)? Please share examples if possible.
Do you have Adult Content enabled or disabled?
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Did you have any accessibility issues, or feel any features would make the game easier to use? (Examples, font types, colors used, etc?)
Are there any general features or settings you want to request (and how is it useful to you)?
How do you feel about Lux & Quispe and the overarching reality mystery?
Anything else you'd like to share?
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