Businesses (non-child care) in East-Central Michigan
This short survey seeks to understand the: 
  • Impact of child care on employee recruitment, retention, and reliability, as well as the productivity of Michigan businesses;
  • Policies and practices businesses engage in to support the child care needs of employees; and
  • Resources and policies that are necessary for businesses to better support their employees’ child care needs.
Survey results will inform policy recommendations for an improved child care system and to help keep Michigan competitive as one of the best places in the country to do business. 

Just in case you ended up in the wrong place, these links might help you!

Click here to take the survey for Child Care Staff 

Your identity is strictly confidential and will not be disclosed. Results from all individuals will be combined and described anonymously as counts and proportions (e.g., "Approximately 50% of staff across all region 5 counties reported that increased sick time benefits would help their family address their child care needs (e.g., pediatric appointments)."). Any quotes or anecdotes from individual responses will be completely de-identified before sharing (i.e., we will not publicly share any personally identifying information you might include in your responses). This information is being collected by Data-Driven-Decisions in partnership with the Middle Michigan Development Corporation, Gratiot-Isabella Great Start Collaborative and Midland County Educational Service Agency and is funded by a grant from the Early Childhood Development Corporation.   

Thank you in advance for your time.  
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If you would prefer a paper copy or if you'd like us to give you a call instead please contact us at or call/text 269-348-1650. 
Has child care ever prevented services, products or other deliverables, from being provided? 
For example: have you had shifts not be covered? Have you had to delay meeting a deadline? 
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Please share, if you're comfortable, examples of specific issues that child care has caused for your business. 
We want to capture the impact of child care on not only parents, but businesses AND the community at large. We know that not having access to quality child care has ripple effects in communities. 
From your perspective, how much does the lack of child care availability currently affect your ability to recruit job candidates for open positions or to retain employees?
Which of the following descriptions best fits your role within the company? *
Please enter the county where your company/organization is located.
Which of the following best describes the location of your company/organization?
Which of the following best describes the business or industry of your organization?
If other, specify.
About what percentage of employees at your company have children younger than 13?
How many employees work at your company?
Please include both part and full time employees.
Choose from the statements below to describe your business.
About what percentage of your employees are salaried employees (i.e., not paid hourly)?
Which of the following is true of your employees and their potential child care needs?
Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statement: Child care issues experienced by my employees are negatively impacting my business (e.g., effects on productivity, absenteeism, turnover).
How often have your employees experienced any of the following as a result of having a child care issue?  
Not Sure
Not Applicable
Missed work, arrived late, left early
Been distracted, stressed, or worried at work
Reduced regular work hours or changed from full- to part-time
Turned down job offer, promotion, reassignment, or further education/training
Had to leave job
We are interested in understanding the workplace policies that businesses implement. 

Please indicate whether you have implemented or would consider implementing these policies:
Would not consider
Would consider or planning implement
Have implemented
Not applicable
Emergency or backup care assistance (e.g., for sick child or school closure)
Financial assistance for child care expenses (e.g., vouchers to offset costs)
Other financial supports (e.g., reduced rate at certain child care programs; flexible spending accounts)
Flexible work scheduling and/or remote work options
Information about child care availability in the area
Information about financial assistance for child care expenses
On-site child care
Participate in Tri-Share model (employer, employee, and State split cost of care)
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We are interested in understanding how workplace policies have shifted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. If your organization has made any changes in policies to support the child care needs of employees (e.g., scheduling flexibility, remote/hybrid models, four-day work weeks), please describe below.
We are interested in understanding what prevents a business from implementing workplace policies that support the child care needs of employees. 

Please indicate the extent to which the issues below represent barriers to supporting the child care needs of your employees.
Not a barrier
Moderate barrier
Major Barrier
Cost of providing child care benefits
Lack of data about employee needs
Child care benefits only support some employees
Inability to offer flexibility in work location/schedule
Concerns about liability for employer-sponsored child care
Lack of knowledge/technical assistance around how to support child care needs
Challenges operating on-/near-site child care (i.e. licensing requirement, insurance, zoning etc.)
Please indicate how important it is for Michigan to make investments and pass child care policies to address the following issues:
Not Important
Somewhat important
Very important
Making child care more affordable for parents
Increasing the supply of child care
Improving the quality of child care
Supporting the child care industry and workforce
Funding child care as a public good, like K-12
From your perspective, what are the biggest challenges employees in your organization face related to child care?
If you'd like to share more of your story about the impact of child care we want to hear it! 

Or if you'd like to stay in touch or learn more about what's happening select YES below! 
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