Go:Girls 3.0 Kindly fill in the registration form here to participate. Registration closes on 24th May 2022. Program starts End of May and runs through August. Kindly note that this training is both onsite and online, kindly choose how you want to participate.
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Adreça electrònica *
Name *
State *
Telephone Num: *
Age *
Do you have any previous coding or design experience *
What track are you most interested in *
What track is your next preferred *
Why are you interested in this track(s)? *
Can You Commit to attending all classes during the training? It starts in the last week of May and ends in August 2022. *
How do you want to participate *
How did you hear about "Go:Girls" boot camp *
Any other thing you'd like us to know, (If challenged or with any disability, kindly specify how we can make this program work best for you)
Terms *
S'enviarà un correu electrònic amb una còpia de les teves respostes a l'adreça que has proporcionat.
Esborra el formulari
No enviïs mai contrasenyes a través de Formularis de Google.
Google no ha creat ni aprovat aquest contingut. Informa d'un ús abusiu - Condicions del Servei - Política de privadesa