2024-2025 Dancer Contract (Levels 1-4)

We are so excited to have your family with Inspire Ballet and Fine Arts for the 2024-2025 season!

Below, you’ll find the terms and conditions to ensure a positive and productive environment for dancers, families, and our faculty. Please read and initial each item below to signify your agreement.

Thank you for your support of Inspire Ballet and Fine Arts!

Email *
By filling out this Dancer Contract online, you acknowledge that checking "agree" and completing this form will serve as your initialed agreement and signature of this contract between you and Inspire Ballet and Fine Arts. *
Please list the names of the dancers in your family (Levels 1 to 4) that this contract will serve to cover: *
I understand that my dancer’s ability to adhere to dance class etiquette may affect their future level promotions and performance opportunities. This includes talking in class, how they treat their peers, body language, social media, and consistent dress code infractions.
I understand that ONLY enrolled dancers will be allowed to perform in shows. Dancers who sign up for a Drop-In class are not enrolled in the class they drop into and are not eligible to be placed in the choreography of that class or perform with that class.  *

I acknowledge and agree to the following:

Costume fees are due by September 6th. 

There will be a $50 fee for any damage to a rented costumes. (Purchased costumes are not assessed damage fees, but once a costume is taken home, the studio cannot replace it if it is damaged.)

Performances are ticketed and Inspire cannot control how quickly seats are purchased or how fast performances may sell out once tickets go on sale. 
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I understand that all dancers should arrive to class in their proper dress code (as stated on the Inspire website) and that:

ALL Ballet and Acro dancers should attend class with their hair in a bun (Low bun preferred in Acro classes due to rolls). Ponytails are ok for hip hop, jazz, contemporary, tap, and jazz funk, ponytails are often caught under the hands of students who tumble. 

Dancers are to wear tights for all Ballet and Acro classes. Convertible tights are recommended for Acro so they can have bare feet. No bare legs at any time. Leggings are fine for contemporary, jazz etc.

I understand that if my dancer is in an ACRO, HIP HOP, or Jazz Funk class - they will still wear a leotard underneath any t-shirt worn to remain modest when performing cartwheels or other tumbling exercises in class. 

I understand that I can email FRONTDESK@inspireballetarts.com to request a make-up class if my child misses their regular class. I further understand that several absences may have an effect on my dancer's role or that their participation in class choreography may be diminished.

I will read and abide by the Tuition Policies posted on the Inspire website:



I understand that the studio’s primary means of communication are as follows:

- Updates to the website including the Parent Page of www.InspireBalletArts.com

- Email (INFO@inspireballetarts.com)

- The use of the BAND app

(where important class announcements and choreography videos are posted.)

- Social Media including Facebook and Instagram

**Facebook messages are not answered as quickly as emailing the studio.

And I further understand that by NOT reading messages, emails, documents, or by not checking the Parent Page regularly, my child might miss information about additional rehearsals scheduled, important costume, schedule, and performance updates, and other important information that will directly affect my child.

I understand the importance of labeling my child's dance wear, dance shoes, and personal items and will not hold the studio responsible for any items misplaced during classes or at performance venues. *
I understand that all Important Dates can be found on the Parent Page of the Inspire website including upcoming performances, closures for breaks, picture weekends, and special days at the studio. 
I understand (particularly for older dancers, dancers involved in lifts or partner work, or in larger classes) that absences may affect my child's participation in choreography - that it may become limited due to absences and that teachers do NOT guarantee going back and adding a dancer to sections of choreography that they missed.  *
I give my permission for emergency First Aid to be given, if necessary, by a trained provider.
I understand that in the interest of fostering a productive learning environment for all students, Inspire requests that parents ensure that their child's behavior in class remains conducive to the learning process. Should a student consistently disrupt the class or become a distraction to others, Inspire may need to remove the dancer from participation & there will be no monetary reimbursement for missed classes.  *
I understand that bullying of any kind is not tolerated (including online or through social media) and that dancers found participating in behavior that is demeaning, aggressive, or excessive against another student may be asked to leave the studio.  *
By typing my name below, I acknowledge that I have read the terms set forth by this electronic agreement in its entirety and this serves as my electronic signature. 
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