台歐盟供應鏈合作論壇 (線上)  報名表
"EU-Taiwan Supply Chains Forum" Registration form
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Online Forum organised by the European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) and the Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association, Taiwan (CIECA), Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium
3月10日 16:00-18:00 (台北時間); 9:00-11:00(比利時時間)
10th March 2021, 16:00-18:00(Taipei time)/9:00 – 11:00 (CET)
議程/Programme :
總統 蔡英文(錄影談話)
外交部部長 吳釗燮
經濟部部長 王美花

-主持人:歐洲議會議員 Andrey KOVATCHEV
國際半導體產業協會全球行銷長暨台灣區總裁 曹世綸
台灣精準醫療產業協會理事長 李鍾熙(前工研院院長)
台達電子歐洲地區總裁 Dalip SHARMA
友嘉集團智慧製造與數據服務部總經理 林勤喻
捷安特歐洲製造中心總經理 陳經才
愛美科(IMEC)創新服務處處長暨台灣區總經理 Peter LEMMENS
楊德諾(Jan De Nul)資深商業發展經理Carl HEIREMANS

Opening Remarks(10 minutes)
Ing-Wen TSAI, President of the ROC (Taiwan) (video message)
Jaushieh Joseph WU, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the ROC (Taiwan)
Mei-Hua WANG, Minister of Economic Affairs of the ROC (Taiwan)

Panel Discussion(80 minutes)
Andrey KOVATCHEV, Member of the European Parliament
Terry TSAO, Global Chief Marketing Officer and President of Taiwan, SEMI
Johnsee LEE, Chairman, Taiwan Precision Medicine Industry Association(PMMD)
Chin-Yu LIN (Miro LIN), General Manager, Intelligent  Manufacturing & Data Services Division, Fair Friend Group (FFG)
Dalip SHARMA, President, EMEA Region, Delta Electronics
Jeffrey CHIN KC, General Manager, Giant Europe Manufacturing Center
Peter LEMMENS, Director, IMEC Innovation Services and General Manager IMEC Taiwan
Carl HEIREMANS, Senior Business Development Manager, Jan De Nul

Interactive Q&A Session(30 minutes)
COVID-19凸顯與理念相近夥伴共同建立具韌性及多元全球供應鏈之重要性。歐盟已將推動「歐洲適應數位時代」(Europe fit for the Digital Age)及綠色新政(green deal)設定為重要政策目標,以進行數位轉型及確保歐洲經濟之永續發展。台灣強大之ICT、工具機及生物科技等產業,除使台灣在全球供應鏈中扮演重要角色外,並使台歐盟在現有及潛在之產業供應鏈合作前景無限,因此駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處、國經協會及EIAS決定辦理本論壇,邀請國際半導體產業協會、台灣精準醫療產業協會、台達電、友嘉實業、捷安特、IMEC及Jan De Nul等台灣及歐盟重要企業,探討如何加強雙方產業供應鏈合作,促進台歐投資貿易交流。
The European Commission is pursuing the twin policy goals of the European Green Deal and the Digital Agenda in order to achieve sustainable economic development, while simultaneously strengthening the security of its supply chains so as to ensure the EU’s strategic autonomy. This creates a huge potential and opportunities for supply chain cooperation between Taiwan and the EU and for strengthening the security of European supply chains. The importance of like-minded partners in establishing resilient and diversified global supply chains has been critically highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Taiwan, with its advanced position in sectors such as ICT, electronics, semiconductors, biotechnology, renewable energy and machine tools manufacturing,  has also since long played a key role in the global supply chain.
The European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) and the Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association Taiwan (CIECA) are organizing this online forum to serve as a platform for Taiwanese and European entrepreneurs and businesses to enhance mutual supply chain cooperation and to boost investment, trade and technology exchanges between the industries of Taiwan and the EU, based on the experiences of enterprises such as FFG, SEMI, Delta, PMMD, Giant, IMEC and Jan De Nul.
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