Lasting Freedom Winter Session!
Join us for the Holiday Module of the Lasting Freedom program- a Christ-centered eating and body image recovery group. For more info check out this link: 

*The course is FREE as we have already purchased the group package through Hope Community Church. 

We'll be going over modules:

3.2: “Feelings, Factors, and Triggers”

3.3 “Feelings: Pursuing a Christ-Centered Response”

3.4: Making the Mind/Body Connection

3.5: Practicing Emotional Awareness

3.6 Facing the Future with Feeling

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Group dates:
(5 week session)

Monday Dec 18th 6:30-7:30pm CST
**OFF Dec 25th**
Monday Jan 1st 6:30-7:30pm CST
Monday Jan 8th 6:30-7:30pm CST
Monday Jan 15th 6:30-7:30pm CST
Monday Jan 22nd 6:30-7:30pm CST
Why are you interested in joining this group? *
Please read through our group contract. 

Lasting Freedom Small Group Contract

Group philosophy:

●      This group is designed to be a supportive community for individuals struggling with eating disorder(s)/disordered eating where we can grow in our faith together and our relationship with food/our bodies

●      This group supports a health at every size, non-diet intuitive eating approach to food freedom. And a body neutral approach to body image.

●      This group is an inter-denominational Christian group, all Christian denominations are welcome here and/or individuals that do not identify as Christian but are interested in learning more.

●      This group believes that it is possible to be RECOVERED from an eating disorder, full recovery is possible!!

●      This group is an adjunct but not a replacement for having professional services which can include a therapist, dietitian, primary care physician, psychiatrist.


Group Rules:

1.     NO NUMBERS!!!!! Numbers can be extremely triggering so please no numbers at all concerning weight, calories, exercise (including running mileage/pace, times per week of exercise, length of exercise), clothing sizes, number of times in treatment/length of time in treatment, meal plans, etc. Please be respectful to other group members and how specific details may be triggering to them and lead to unhealthy and unhelpful comparison

2.     NO SPECIFICS on behaviors!! Please don’t share specific details on trauma, eating disorder behaviors, self injury, suicidal ideation. This group is not equipped for that. Please be respectful to other group members and how specific details may be triggering to them. Ex: Please don’t share specific foods you do/do not eat, specific amount of exercises, number of times of completing behaviors, specific details on past trauma.

3.     Advocate for yourself! If there is a topic that is too uncomfortable/triggering to you please let the group know (or privately let me know).

4.     Be a kind, safe, encouraging, inclusive, and supportive environment.

5.     Please refrain from sharing personal information about group members with others as this is a supportive community and group members are free to share and be vulnerable without fears that this information will be shared by other group members. What is talked about in group stays in group.

6.     Please be aware of your clothing and how what you are wearing may be triggering to other individuals as a large part of disordered eating involves comparison especially of bodies. 

7.     This group is not equipped to handle emergency situations- if you feel unsafe/are experiencing suicidal ideation or urges please remain with a trusted individual and call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.



By typing your name below, you are agreeing to:

·       The group rules

·       Honoring the confidential nature of the group

·       Agree to not hold FINDINGbalance, its staff, volunteers, and board or my facilitator liable for any medical or psychological concerns that may arise directly or indirectly from taking this course

Agree to not hold LiveRecoverED, its staff, volunteers, interns and board or my facilitator liable for any medical or psychological concerns that may arise directly or indirectly from taking this course

·       Promising to seek help if suicidal thoughts/attempts occur including calling 911, staying with a trusted individual, going to local ER, or calling the Suicide hotline 800-273-8255



Please type your FULL name below (and include the date) to indicate that you understand and agree to follow our group guidelines. 

*Please reach out to me (Megan Ludke) at for questions/concerns/clarification on the group contract. 

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