Finch App Suggestions
Leave any suggestions you have for improving the Finch app in this form. The form responses are monitored by the Finch team on a regular basis to find new ideas to improve the app.
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What is your suggestion? *
What area/s of the app does your suggestion relate to? *
Please try to identify how difficult your suggestion would be to implement
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If you would like credit for your idea if it is implemented, please leave your information below. Please note neither of these questions are required for your idea to be considered for the team.
The team may also use this information to reach out to you to clarify details about your suggestion if it is unclear what your suggestion is referring to. If you are not interested in being contacted or given credit, please ignore this question.
If you are in our Discord server, what is your discord username? 
If you are in our Facebook group, please provide the link to your facebook profile.
The link is required to ensure that we find the correct person as in a large group there are many people with the same or very similar names. If you feel uncomfortable sharing your link due to it containing a previous name etc, please search "Change Facebook profile URL" for instructions on how to change it.
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