Low-Cost Wills with Heather Turner - Waiting List

Low-Cost Wills with Heather Turner, Esq: by appointment – Heather will be available starting in September to help any Senior 55 or over to create a Will, Power of Attorney, or a Living Will, or to update an existing document.  Please fill out the form below if you would like to be called to set up an appointment in the fall.   $35 For Members, $50 for Non-Members

If you need additional assistance, please call (610) 664-2366 or email Caroline at caroline.nhsc@gmail.com
Mailadresse *
Name *
Phone Number *
Zip Code *
Are you a Member? *
Are You an Individual or a Couple?
(The Fee is doubled for 2 Documents)
Which Document Do You Need? *
What is your preferred month to come to the Center for an appointment?
What is your preferred time for an appointment?
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