Mid Year Report -Year 5 (2022-2023)        CDC Healthy Schools Grant
Thank you for your work on the CDC Healthy Schools Grant.  Please complete this mid year report by February 2, 2023.

This mid year report is for the reporting time frame July 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to Anita Brodecky for questions about this report at brodecky_a@cde.state.co.us

E-post *
District *
Coordinator Name *
Phone *
1. Physical Activity - Describe the progress made towards increasing physical activity during the school day and during out of school time.
2. Nutrition/ Healthy Eating - Describe the progress made towards nutrition and healthy eating during the school day and during out of school time. *
3. Chronic Disease Management - Describe the progress made towards chronic disease management during the school day and during out of school time. Please include your school nurse when answering this question to reflect TA and PD support they have been receiving. *
4. Describe any specific accomplishments and/or successes related to your work plan objectives or priority areas.
5. Describe any specific challenges experienced related to your work plan objectives. Explain how you plan to overcome the challenges you have mentioned.
6.  As a result of your progress, how have students been supported/impacted? *
7. Share anything else that happened during the reporting period that impacted the district's work on this grant, either positively or negatively. *
8.  What training and support do you need? *
By submitting this report,  you certify that the information contained in this report is true and correct to the best of your knowledge.
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