A00-282 : QUIZ SET-3
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1. Which statement correctly creates a SAS date variable from a character variable?
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2. The following SAS program is submitted:
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3. Which validation technique involves two programmers writing separate programs to produce the same output, then comparing the result?
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4. Given the following data set LABS(only first 10 lines shown):
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5. Which clause allows macro variable creation on a select statement in PROC SQL?
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6.  Given the file sites.csv: 
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7.  Given the following output from the TTEST Procedure: Variable:
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8. You want to calculate the p-value of Fisher's exact test for a 3x3 table. Which option must you add to the TABLES statement of PROC FREQ?
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9. Which CDISC standard is concerned with the development of simplified case report forms?
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10. Review the following procedure format:

PROC TTEST date=date;
     class group-variable;
     var variable;

What is the required type of data for the variable in this procedure?

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11. Given the data set HE: 
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12. The following SAS program is submitted: 


Which value does variable X contain?

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13. This question will ask you to provide a line of missing code.
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14.  Given the following two data sets EX and AE:
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15. Which function would be used to determine the number of elements in an existing array?
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16. Which CDISC filename contains the following items?

- Variable attributes
- Controlled terminology
- Computational methods

Please select correct answer.

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17. Given the following data set:
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18.  Where would you store a value collected on a case report form but not defined in an SDTM domain?
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19.  The following SAS program is submitted: data WORK.ALL;
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20. Question:20

What is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording and reporting trials that involve the participation of human subjects?

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