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VP PTA - Help Wanted
Do you want to get involved with your child's school but not sure where to start? Take a look at the form below and we'll help you find something that works with your schedule and interests.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
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Child(ren)'s Current Grade(s) and Teacher(s)
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Are you interested in joining the PTA Executive Board? The board meets one morning a month in the school with Dr. Prendergast.
No, but I'm happy to help out in other ways
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Are you interested in helping out with any of the following, as your schedule allows? Check all the apply.
Variety Show (December-March; grades 3-5)
Invention Convention (December-March; grades 3-5)
Spring Gala Committee (January-April)
Book Fair (Spring and sometimes Fall)
School Garden (Spring, Summer, Fall)
Before & After School Enrichment Classes (Fall, Winter, Spring)
Fall Play (August-November; grades 3-5)
Spirit Run Fundraiser (August-October; planning and/or helping with setup/breakdown)
Back to School Ice Cream Social (September; planning and/or supervising activities)
Trunk or Treat (October)
Designing and putting up bulletin boards for PTA events
Art Room Liaisons
Other (elaborate below)
Have another idea or anything else you'd like us to know?
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