Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi Jayanti (2 October 2020)
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 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was called as Mahatma by *
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When was Mahatma Gandhi arrested during the ‘Quit India Movement’ of 1942? *
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Gandhiji believed that *
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During the Non-Cooperation Movement, which award did Gandhiji return? *
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At which one of the following places did Mahatma Gandhi first start his Satyagraha in India? *
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Who is the author of Gandhiji’s favourite Bhajan ‘Vaishnava jana to tenekahiye’? *
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October 2, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi is internationally observed as - *
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At which of the following sessions of the Indian National Congress, did Gandhiji preside as the President? *
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Which of the following Round Table Conferences was attended by Mahatma Gandhi? *
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Who said about Gandhiji "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this walked the earth in flesh and blood? *
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Who led the salt Satyagraha Movement with Gandhi? *
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In which of the following movements did Mahatma Gandhi make the first use of hunger Strike as a weapon? *
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Gandhiji organized ‘Dandi March’ in 1930 against : *
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Who led the extremists before the arrival of Gandhi on the political scene for India’s freedom struggle? *
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Which of these slogans is associated with Gandhiji? *
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