Monitoring the activity of the Sisterhood of the Rose groups [Response required by February 28th]
Dear Sisterhood of the Rose group facilitator,

With gratitude, we acknowledge the hard work and effort of every group and its members to balance the planetary energy grid and bring forth the new Golden Age. However, it has come to our attention that some groups on our group list are no longer active or do no longer meet the criteria with which they were accepted, but their contact information remains.

We would like to check the activity of the listed Sisterhood of the Rose groups, so we are sending out this survey to check if your group still meets the criteria.
1. Is your group still meeting physically regularly once a week? 
2. Does your group still have a minimum of three participants? 
3. Is your group still performing these meditations together in the physical meeting?

Please reply by February 28th, 2023 at 23:59 UTC, if your group is meeting all the criteria and a physical meeting is held once a week.

If answered YES, then your group's contact information on our group list will remain unchanged.

If answered NO, then the contact information of your group (contact email/website and the general city/country location) WILL BE REMOVED from the list.

At the end of the survey, you can provide an updated contact detail and alternative contact if you wish.

Please note that your Sisterhood of the Rose group will be removed from the list if we have not received your response to this survey before the deadline.

In the Email field below, please provide the email that your group used to register on the group list.
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Email *
Does your Sisterhood of the Rose group meet all the criteria and a physical meeting is held once a week? *
Please provide more information about the current situation of your Sisterhood of the Rose group if you wish. For example, the frequency of your physical meeting if it is less frequent than once a week.
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