Santa Approved Reindeer Club (SARC): Bounty Campaign
This form has been created by EvoPix Studios and The Candid Artist in relation to the bounty campaign of Santa Approved Reindeer Club (SARC). All participants need to register themselves using this form from our bounty campaign post.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Forum Username *
Forum Profile Link *
Link to Proof of registration message on *
Polygon Wallet Address (always begins with '0x') *
Did you join our discord server to get additional bonus of 10% of stakes? If yes, please provide your username below
Are you participating in Instagram campaign? *
Google フォームでパスワードを送信しないでください。
このコンテンツは Google が作成または承認したものではありません。 不正行為の報告 - 利用規約 - プライバシー ポリシー