Online High School Summer School
Parents and Students,

If you need to take classes for credit recovery, then summer school is your opportunity! Summer school will be offered free and online for students who meet the state's "at-risk" criteria. Once you submit this survey, your counselor will determine if you meet the "at-risk" criteria.

Students MUST TAKE two courses—not just one course. Once you complete this survey, your counselor will then sign you up for two online courses.

You must be registered no later than May 22nd. Summer school starts on June 1st and ends July 10th.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Which high school do you attend? *
Do you have a smartphone or computer to use for online school? *
Do you have internet access for online school? *
Select the classes you need for credit recovery. (You must select at least two classes that you need for summer school). *
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