RYBURN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Parents/Carers Survey - Returning to school

Dear Parents & Carers,

I am certain that you are aware, given the high media visibility, of the governments plans to open schools more widely to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6.  Guidance has been issued by the DfE regrading the expectations upon primary settings when increasing the number of children on site.

Whilst there has been some discussion regarding increasing school-based support for children in Years 10 and Year 12, secondary schools are still awaiting guidance to be issued regarding the suggested approach or expectations of the DfE.  

As part of our planning to move toward extended opening, I would like to provide all of our parents with an opportunity to express their views about the provision that Ryburn Valley High School has put in place during this period of social isolation as well as their thoughts about the next steps the school might take.  I would therefore appreciate it if you could take the time to complete this survey.

All responses received will be used to inform the school's approach moving forwards and will better enable us to support our children.

There are two sections to this survey. The first is on your experiences of lockdown and of home learning. The second relates to how you feel about your child returning to school and what we can do to make this work better.

Please feel free to be honest. There are no right or wrong answers and there is no judgement at all on how your family is getting through these unprecedented times. We're all dealing with it differently and as best we can, and many of us have faced many challenges and difficulties.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have specific worries about your child which require a response, please email their Head of Year directly to ensure that we can respond quickly.

Many thanks

Kath Parker

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1.  Your name *
2.  Your child(ren)'s name(s): *
Please list the full name of each of your children at Ryburn.
3.  Which year groups do you have children in? *
4.  Have your children been in school at all during the closure as keyworkers' or vulnerable children? *
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