Feedback for Neph Voices
Hello! Thank you so much for the opportunity to work with you on your project. I'd greatly appreciate it if you could fill out the form below. I value your feedback and am constantly striving to improve my services. 

(If you would like to provide me with anonymous feedback, please simply enter "Anon" for the first question.)
Ak chcete uložiť svoj postup, Prihlásiť sa do Googlu. Ďalšie informácie
What is your name? *
What type of project did you hire me for? *
How satisfied were you with my performance for your project? *
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
What, specifically, did you like / dislike about my voiceover services? *
Do you have any other feedback for me? (Please use this space to give me a generalized review, or clarify any points of the previous question.)
Are you okay with me posting this review to my website for advertisement purposes? *
Vymazať formulár
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