Create your own intention for your gift!
Every empath and highly sensitive has struggles with their gift. I myself used to be at a turning point in my life, where I asked myself what this suffering, pain, and exhaustion was for.

I want to help you change that in your life, by helping you create your very own intention for your gift.

Take 10 minutes of your time, for yourself to find out where you are at the moment, get clarity about yourself and visualize where you wish to go with your gift.

By answering the following questions, you will be able to create your intention. 
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How does it feel to live as an empath or highly sensitive? 
What is/was your biggest fear? 
How do/did you doubt yourself? 
What are/were you struggling with?
What is your current status quo? 
Where are you with your gift right now? 
What is keeping you from living as an empowered empath or highly sensitive in your divine brilliance? 
What is your biggest challenge?
Is there anything outside your control, that is keeping you from living your gift in an empowered way? *
What fear and/or worst-case scenario do you want to avoid on your path to become an empowered empath? *
What is the one thing you want to learn while on your path to become an empowered empath living in your divine brilliance? *
How would it feel to live as an empowered empath or highly sensitive in your divine brilliance? *
Create your intention!
Every day I learn more of ___________(enter the answer to the previous question about what you want to learn on your path), and become more and more _____________(enter the answer to the previous question about how you want to feel).

Repeat your Intention three times a day or more, whenever it feels right for you! But don´t just say it, try to feel it as deeply as possible.
Would you like to be informed and inspired on how to become an empowered empath/highly sensitive and stand in your divine brilliance? 

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egister to the divine empath alliance, a free space and community for overwhelmed empaths and highly sensitives. Come and join us in transforming, setting healthy boundaries, creating true connection to yourself and stepping into your divine brilliance.

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