Number and Operations Workshop -- Nashua Area

Do your students struggle with understanding numbers and arithmetic operations?   If yes, you are invited to participate in a 2-hour workshop for 2 – 5 grade teachers

 Workshop title: Numbers and Arithmetic Operations

Workshop description: Let’s get together to explore how we can help our students develop deep understanding of numbers and arithmetic operations. You will be able to use these strategies, activities and games in your next math class!

The workshop will be facilitated by NH Teachers of Mathematics (NHMT) President Natalya Vinogradova.

Professional development certificates will be available.

 Audience:  Teachers w/ focus for grades 2 - 5

When: November 3 (Thursday)   4:30pm – 6:30pm  (Snack will be provided)

Where: Rivier University, 420 South Main Street, Nashua, NH 03060 in Memorial Hall Rm 101. 

Cost:  FREE!

Please feel free to email questions to Anne Wallace, NHED Ed Consultant Mathematics/STEM (, or to Natalya Vinogradova, NHTM President (

Space is limited so please register early.  An email will be sent to confirm your space or asking if wish to be placed on a wait list once registration is full. 

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