FM3D etcher survey
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What type of material do you use or would like to use your engraving/cutting machine for? Select all that apply *
What type of engraving machine do you use / are thinking of purchasing in the near future? Select all that apply *
What do you normally make with your engraving machine? Select all that apply *
Do you use your engraving machine for *
If you use it for work or business, what type of work do you do? (Skip if you only use for hobby)
What size metal sheets or PCBs do you normally work with? *
What thickness of metal sheets do you normally work with? Select all that apply *
What are your main criteria when buying a device to help you make things? Rate from 1-5, 1 being the first and most important, 5 being the least important *
I want to try out a new technology or method
Variety of materials it can work with
New capabilities
Quality of the result
How much have you spent or are you willing to spend on a device that etches / engraves metal only? *
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