Bible Study at CTK

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study Beginning This Month!

"The Lamb of God," "The Bread of Life," "The Body and the Blood of Christ"... these are phrases we know from the Mass. But do we understand what they mean in the greater and deeper context of Scripture and Church teaching? Stella Maris Pastorate is hosting a Monday Evening Bible study beginning in April that will dive deep into the rich biblical roots of the Mass! Join us for 'The Eucharist-Discovering the Mass in the Bible,' which features video presentations by Dr. Brant Pitre, as well as lively discussion accompanied by a participant guide. We'll discover firsthand how Christ's Body and Blood are an integral and wondrous part of God's plan for our salvation!

This 10-session Bible Study will meet on Mondays, 6:30-8:00 pm at Christ the King Church in the St Ann/Joachim room beginning on April 22. We hope to see you there! Please register at (insert Google form). Cost for the book will be $11-14 depending on how many people register.

Questions: Sandy Bakk,, 608-335-6009.

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