Trivia Newsletter CLXXXII Submission Form
Note: Some folks like to share their guesses for all of the questions, but in order to submit this form, only your initials (the first question) and a guess on the last question are necessary.
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For purposes of the Question #6 Leaderboard, please write below a THREE-LETTER initialism you'd like me to use to track your entries. (You might choose your initials, but doing so is not necessary.)  *
Question #1 - A chess variant listed at, the second-most-popular chess server in the world, has all of the rules of standard chess, except that a player can also win by moving their king to any of the spaces d4, d5, e4, or e5. WHAT is the name of this variant, also the name of a television show that aired from 1997 to 2010 (and that is being revived on Hulu)?
Question #2 - Rabbi Joseph Telushkin once wrote that “[m]ost of the great women in the Bible either are married to a great man or related to one,” but that a rare exception to this pattern is WHAT woman, “perhaps the Bible’s greatest woman figure”? He adds that the only thing we know about her personal life is the name of her husband, Lapidot.
Question #3 - The television show NCIS has been on the air since 2003 and has aired 457 episodes. That’s just over twice as many as the 227 episodes of WHAT show, of which NCIS is a spin-off and that was once described by The New York Times as a cross between Top Gun and A Few Good Men?
Question #4 - 2000 AD is a British sci-fi weekly anthology comic. The most famous character to come from 2000 AD by far is WHAT character, who has appeared in novels, video games, and perhaps most notably in a 1995 film and in a 2012 film?
Question #5 - More is known about the life of a woman named Oney than any other person with whom she was enslaved, as she gave several interviews to abolitionist newspapers in the 1840s. She lived most of her life in New Hampshire as a fugitive due to the first iteration of the Fugitive Slave Act, signed into law by WHAT person, from whom Oney escaped and who repeatedly wrote letters entreating others to recapture her?
Question #6 - WHAT is the theme of this newsletter? *
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