Tweak My Speech (Speech Preparation Service)
Contact us at +234 7066 311 699 or
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Name *
Phone *
Organization (especially if you're being sponsored)
How did you hear about the Royal Centre for Public Speaking? *
What are some of the challenges you already identified that you have with Public Speaking? (Please select as many as apply to you) *
Whether it's online (virtual) or in-person, how frequently do you make speeches, give presentations or find yourself addressing an audience? *
To enable the Public Speaking Coach give relevant examples and utilise suitable illustrations, kindly state your job title and line of business/industry
What is the date for your upcoming speaking engagement? *
When do you want to start your coaching programme? *
For the sake of difference in time zones and ensuring smooth coordination of scheduling, what city are you based? *
Which of the Tweak My Speech services are you signing up for? *
Kindly share additional information you think we need to know (optional).
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