Journey School Lynnwood Tour Request & Waitlist Form

We are excited you are interested in learning more about our school and approach. This form is used to a request tour as well as to be added to our waitlist. There is a $50 fee to join our waitlist and is invoiced through Brightwheel or payable by check. This form and the $50 fee must both be received in order to be added to the waitlist. Typically our tours take 60 minutes and will include highlights of our campus, including outside so please dress for the weather. Children are welcome to attend tours too. We currently have openings in many of our classes and are looking at enrollment starting in February 2025 and beyond. 

Below there are questions to get to know your family and child better. If there is something additional that you feel is important for JSL to know about your child/family that this form did not capture, there is a section at the bottom to enter it. Once the form is submitted, we will reach out to schedule your tour. The email will come from

Thank you and we look forward to meeting you!
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Email *
Child's name *
Child's date of birth *
Child's Gender *
#1 Parent/Guardian: Name and email address *
#1 Parent/Guardian: Role *
#1 Parent/Guardian: Phone number *
#2 Parent/Guardian: Name and email address *
#2 Parent/Guardian: Role *
#2 Parent phone number *
Please identify your relation to the child (check all that apply): *
Child lives with: *
Ethnicity *
What is the primary language spoken at home? *
What are your child's strengths or things that they enjoy? *
What are area(s) of growth you would like to see in your child? *
Do you have any concerns regarding your child's development? *
Adaptive (feeding, dressing, self-help)
Cognitive (learning, understanding)
Communication (understanding, speaking)
Physical (growth rate, use of large/small motor))
Social (play, interactions, coping skills)
If you clicked yes, please describe. 
Does your child receive any of the following services: 
Does your child have any medical conditions? *
If yes, please describe: *
Does your child have any food allergies or sensitivities, or dietary restrictions? *
If yes, please describe: *
Does your child have: *
Hearing aids
Adaptive device(s)
Specialized equipment (orthotics, braces, etc.)
Individualized Family Support Plan (IFSP), Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504
If yes or 'Other,' please describe. 
Has your child had previous preschool experience? *
If yes, please describe your child's previous preschool experience (outdoor, Montessori, half day, in-home, center, part/full time, etc).
Tours at JSL typically last 1 hr and are from 10 - 11am. Please indicate which day of the week works best for your family (select all that apply) *
Please let us know if you have any specific questions you want to make sure we go over and address during the tour?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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