At-Home Cadet Fitness Assessment
Result Reporting Form
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E-mail *
Name of the assessor (Your name, cadet cannot self-assess) *
Cadet's Last Name *
Cadet's First Name *
Cadet's Age *
Cadet's Sex *
Muscular Flexibility (Shoulder Stretch)
The Shoulder Stretch is an assessment of upper arm and shoulder flexibility. This assessment is conducted by reaching one arm over the shoulder on the same side and the other arm behind the back to touch the fingertips together. The assessment is done for both left and right sides.

If the fingertips touch, the observer will mark yes on the results form.
Was the cadet able to touch their left hand with their right hand reaching over their shoulder behind their back? *
Was the cadet able to touch their right hand with their left hand reaching over their shoulder behind their back? *
Muscular Flexibility (Back-Saver Sit & Reach)
How many centimetres was the cadet able to reach with their right arm? *
How many centimetres was the cadet able to reach with their left arm? *
Muscular Strength (Push-Ups)
How many push-ups was the cadet able to achieve while keeping with the cadence (1 push-up every 3 seconds)? *
Muscular Strength (Curl-Ups)
How many curl-ups was the cadet able to achieve while keeping with the cadence (1 every 3 seconds) *
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